Thursday, August 26, 2010

In the news

...and not in a bad way. We're always looking out for "Yesterday afternoon at the Arndale Roundabout, fifteen cyclists on tri-bars ....." but this isn't it.

Instead we picked up Metro (we only get it for the crossword) and saw this on the front page

Turning to p6 as instructed we saw this (coaches should look away now)

Clearly the harbour isn't home to the one-eyed goggle monster but we're sure he was just sighting, or perhaps trying to avoid "something". Given the reputation the harbour has, almost certainly the latter.

Yup. that's Kevin Doran, TNS Vice-Prez and webmaster swimming the harbour (Halifax harbour) with David Darrow, (TIR Deputy Minister), raising $2500 for the United Way on the way. They did the ca. 3km swim (Woodside Ferry Terminal to Aldnerney Landing) in 45 minutes (no word from Mike Richard and the gang to confirm!). We're not being political here in any way, but HRM mayor Peter Kelly has been promising to take a dip in the harbour for months now but just hasn't got around to it yet!

Kevin Doran for Mayor?


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