Monday, August 23, 2010

Guysborough County Triathlon

There were a couple of "proper" photographers out at the Guysborough County Triathlon last weekend, and by "proper" I mean big white lenses and a willingness to lie in the grass by the mount-line to get that "extra-special" shot. Here, however, are a few behind-the-scences photos from Guysborough. This was the way the TA saw the weekend...

When we got there, it was pouring with rain (as you may have heard, it was so bad a bridge got washed away in Meat Cove further up the coast in Cape Breton). In fact our pet cow didn't want to leave the cozy confines of the Deer Killer and she had to be coaxed out of the car with copious amounts of silage and a novelty salt-lick even to get this shot. Suddenly, we were not feeling quite so copacetic about tomorrow's event....

Two hours later, the storm had passed, the water was calm. Perhaps this race was going to happen under sunny skies after all......

The little harbour in Guysborough was full of boats last weekend. So long as none of them wanted to leave between nine and ten on Sunday morning.

Taking the water temperature

The water was a balmy 19C, wetsuits optional. An oxymoron of a phrase, now we think about it. Have you ever heard of a triathlete who views wetsuits as optional? This was a temperature record for G'boro, and we've been here every year since 2003. Global warming? Pschaw!!

06:15, morning of. The sun rises over Chedabucto Bay. We'd been looking forward to this all year....

Sunny skies, warm water with nary a ripple. It's going to be a good, nay a great, day!

Hey, some of our favorite words in the English language :)

The Jost Building, race HQ. This is one of the only races on the calendar with a waterproof roof and plumbing.

The main pack in the Olympic approach the swim turn, swimming in a V like ducks. Mac Grant and Julie Curwin had already flown the coop (if you'll pardon our mixing of avian similes). Don't worry, the colour isn't actually leaching out of the brand new buoy here (one of a set graciously donated by Paul Shaw from Cyclesmith), nor is it highly radioactive; it's just our crappy cell-phone camera.

What complements a red and white accented rim better than a blue tyre? Great colour-coordination. Plus, you don't see many Felts around here.

Speaking of bikes rarely seen, you didn't need to be at Nationals for some good bikes (besides, at Nationals the winner rode a Specialised, the same bike you can buy around here). This is a Neuvation, ridden (we think) by Jamie Haynes, winner at Cyclesmith this year. We're not sure what this model is (the F100?), but it's sleek, black, has great asthetics and looks fast even standing still...

The finish line, with an amazing view of the bay. We don't think the athletes were in the right state of mind to appreciate the scenery, but the chip-guys liked it.

No race happens without its volunteers. Megan Coady, Cheryl Coady, Emily Hart and Olivia Hart staffed the T2 water station all day. Hey, we don't get such attentive service from some grown-ups. Thanks ladies, the race wouldn't have been such a success without you.

Brothers Gus and Brad Dorion from Port Hawksbury gutted it our around the Olympic course, even though they wanted to DNF after the swim. Ray rewarded them with some serious left-over draw-prizeage, but you know we don't think they need to be bribed, we're pretty sure they're coming back.

Guysborough in my rear-view mirror. So long for another year, can't wait to be back. And yes, we have a hula-girl in our car. It's a tribute to Elvis, and He is, after all, The King. Thangyouvurrymuch.


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