Friday, February 19, 2010

You'll Never Get *That* Past The TD!

One of the things we would like to set up on the TurnAround is a blog-roll, well two actually. One of triathlonly blogs we follow and a second of blogs written by TNSers themselves. If you have any nominees in either category, please stick the URL in as a comment below (you can do this anonymously if you're recommending "").

The TA's favorites are BikeSnobNYC and Fat Cyclist. Both are known for witty and cutting writing, and both have taken triathletes to task, and often ("Triathlons, Doctor? For shame" and "the mankini of shame" are two phrases that spring to mind) and so may not be high on your reading list. To be honest, however, BSNYC pretty much has it in for everyone, so don't take it too personally.

As for Fatty, well, the TA doesn't cry often, but Fatty made us cry recently, and some significant life events have softened him somewhat, to the point where he is going to do a triathlon. An IronMan no less. We don't think he's even done a Sprint before. given he once dimissed swimming as an activity that allowed him to travel as fast as a small child can skip, and therefore not worth his time trying.

So Fatty's in the pool, and inverterate tech-head as he is discovered (well blagged) this......

...oh yes, you saw that right. Plug in your iPod Shuffle and off you go. There must be something about this as apparently even Micheal Phelps (the guy with the wing-span, 5000 calorie a day food habit and drawer-full of Olympic medals) uses one or at least doesn't object to having one Photoshopped onto his likeness.

I have to admit feeling a bit ambivilent about this one. Granted the TA has been known to use music on the run, but never on the bike, but in the pool? We can't help but feel it would take way from the concentration required to hit that stroke each and every time, but then for a long slow swim? Our own mental jury is out on this one. You?

Just don't try and get one past the TD on race-day! Despite being brand-spanking new they are already covered in the competition rules and yes, the officials will be watching!



  1. swimp3 has been around for years and actually with the right beat they can help you with your swim cadence, just like they would in running.

  2. re: blogs ... I did a review of my faves on LMS ( awhile back. But here are a couple:

    Chuckie V -
    More 'tude than you can shake stick at

    Steve in a Speedo -
    Check out the Gnarly Photos Contest!

    And of course, LiveMultiSport -
    But then I'm biased. ;)
