Saturday, June 18, 2011

Letter from an ex-president

Well, I suppose for the first time in a long time, I have no clearly defined role in the hierarchy of TNS. Let me explain why.

For reasons that are long and complicated, I do not feel that I was doing my job as president very well, certainly not for the the first few months of this year. Do not worry, I am not ill, incarcerated or in Coventry, but my sincere thanks to all for asking. Nevertheless, my failings in leadership were noticed by the board and they called me on it. After an all-too-short period of introspection, I recognized that that I was unable to provide the leadership and commitment that was required. You, the membership, deserve the very best that TNS can deliver, and I was not delivering it. Stepping aside was the logical choice.

This was not so much a resignation as a leave of absence, which will last until September, and which point I will re-assess along with the board, my ability to continue as President.

The ship TNS is in good hands. Paul Shaw has stepped up from VP to President, as indeed I first did many years ago to fill a void left by Dan Gautreau. Sarah Wood continues as ED. Shane McLeod, the newly appointed CG coach, will continue to run the coaching side of the house, Phil is still the money-man and Linda McLeod continues to run the technical side of the house.

Speaking of technical, I am not totally leaving all my TNS duties. I will continue to, and have continued to, officiate at my share of events in Nova Scotia, but if you will forgive me, I will not be doing the honours at Bridgetown this year! It will be the first Bridgetown I will have missed since 2007 I think, and I will miss it dearly. The same goes for Greenwood; this will be the first time this event has happened without me and believe me when I say I will feel a pang of guilt when I'm not sitting in my car in the car-park at 06:00 eating a sausage breakfast sandwich waiting for Denis!

I will also continue to write in the TurnAround (at a new URL as soon as I get my head around it, check us out), and also make random comments on our Facebook page.

As many of you may be aware, I have recently started a new job at Cyclesmith. Ironically, it feels I am doing more for TNS at the shop than I ever did as president. Latterly, I would chair one board meeting a month and brief-in a race of 100 to 200 every couple of weeks. Now, I get to see you guys one-on-one on a daily basis. Like I've always said about my new job, I get to drink free coffee and talk bikes and triathlon all day: what's not to love? Oh yes, the occasional freebie that come my way! You see those sweet Oakley Flak Jackets I was wearing at the du? Oh yeah!

Even though I have no leadership role, my proverbial door is always open. If you want to talk, comment or make any noise about TNS, then feel free to bend my ear, either in person or virtually on-line.

I'll see you at a race soon, or pop in and buy an inner-tube and say hi!



  1. Andrew,

    Thank you for all that you have done for the sport over these past years. Don't underestimate the impact you have had, and facilitated through others.

    We (the athletes) are very lucky that we can come out and safely play on Sundays thanks to professionals such as you. The sport of Triathlon has great momentum in NS at the moment and a bright future as it has become a lifestyle for many of us.

    Thanks again for everything.

    It will be fun to have you racing with us more this year.

    Shawn A.

  2. Sorry you won't be at Greenwood, but keep us informed with Facebook, Twitter and the TurnAround and I know I will be pretty happy.

  3. Andrew,

    I cannot say it any better than Shawn.

    Thanks for everything.

