Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hustle for Hunger

I was 'playing' at the hustle for hunger (3k/5k/10k) yesterday. had 45 entries last year and this year they were well over 70, and perhaps 80 and multiple overflowing large bins of food donations.

I had my small tasks done to help out, and was much more rested than last weeks 5k, so threw in some food and my $30 for the 10k. Speedy Juckett, who is hoping to crack a 40minute 10k at an upcoming womens 10k in New York, was out for a fitness/effort test. She had been told by a coach to start harder as her mile pace got much quicker at the end of the Greenwood 10k (Ed - 41:00), so I decided I would abandon my usual social start and run with Stacey to be her pace bunny and keep her motivated to push. not doing any speed stuff, I was skeptical I could keep up however as I was 42:30 on that course last year, the week before Bluenose.

As you know, Shubie/Lake Charles trail is pretty challenging as far as 10k run routes go and not the place for a 10k pb. We ran side by each for the bulk of it but I was using my Vibram 5 fingers again and she really let it loose on the downhills faster than I wanted to, so I would have to work to get back to her side. Only one speedy young guy ahead of us and Stacey and I spent most of the event side by each other. Stacey was really digging deep to stay on pace the last 4k or so, and the last few nasty uphills up off of Lake Charles I did my best Rami impersonation to bring her in. She managed to blurt out, "mules are faster than gazelles on hills". With less than 1k to go I tried to increase the tempo and gave dist/time remaining updates and tried to get her to sprint long and fast. I did cross ahead (my dear wife was watching), but Stacey managed an impressive 40:23 for 3rd overall and a GPS'd 10k, and was ecstatic.

I suspect she should abandon the sub 40min 10k for a rd course, and expect a sub 39, (but actually am thinking sub 38 is possible) quite impressive for her I must say. Trevor Maclean was only 4 minutes behind us pushing his smiling kid in the jogger which was quite an impressive time/feat as well; I think he must have used it as a scooter. :}

alligot4now, see ya saturday,



1 comment:

  1. Wow! Stacey is indeed a speed demon, she blew past me in the final k of the Greenwood race, looking like she'd only just started. It was a tad disheartening. :-)
