Apologies for the tardy post. We were recently described as someone who "runs to support their immunology habit" but in reality recently the immunology has had to support the running habit. We shall try and do better next time and be more creative in not only delegating but also finding more more inventive ways of cyberslacking whilst still appearing to be pushing back the frontiers of science.
In the last poll we asked what is the longest run you have ever done, with a variety of distances stated from 10 km (the run in an Olympic is only 10 km, why go any further?) to Mark Campbell, which for the purposes of this poll was >70 km.
In the last poll we asked what is the longest run you have ever done, with a variety of distances stated from 10 km (the run in an Olympic is only 10 km, why go any further?) to Mark Campbell, which for the purposes of this poll was >70 km.

Speaking of running, as I'm sure you're aware, the AGM and Awards Banquet are being held at the Banook Canoe Club on January 30th. The AGM kicks off at 15:00hrs, the Awards at 19:00 and it is our understanding our hosts for the evening will open the bar whenever we want them to (so that'll be 15:01 then - Eds).
The AGM agenda was posted (well emailed) out to you all a month ago. Amoungst the agenda items are reports from the various chairs (what does the President do for 12 months?), reviewing and approving the 2010 budget (and this includes membership fees) approving the by-laws and electing a board and executive for 2010.
All the positions on the TNS Executive and Board are up for election at the AGM. If you wish to stand for an office you do not need to pre-announce this and nominations for all positions will be taken from the floor. All you have to do is turn up!
Several members of the existing executive and board have indicated a willingness to stay in their current positions. Each position is listed below, together with the incumbent and a note on who (if anyone) is standing for this position.
Remember, just because a person is listed as standing for a position that doesn't mean you can't come to the AGM and stand for the position yourself.
President Andrew Dacanay. Reoffering.
Vice President Kevin Doran. Reoffering.
Secretary Shane MacLeod. Reoffering.
Treasurer Phillip Caulier. Reoffering.
Technical / Officials Andrew Dacanay. Not Reoffering. Standing Linda McLeod
Executive Director Sarah Wood
KOS Director Sarah Wood. Reoffering.
Junior & Youth Team Coaches Jason & Jennifer Lawton. Not Reoffering.
Athlete Development Mike Todd. Not Reoffering.
Coaching Development Jason Lawton. Not Reoffering.
Banquet vacant
Membership Sarah Wood. Reoffering
Governance vacant
Marketing & Promotion Tom Rogers. Not Reoffering.
Junior Athlete Reps Meghan Read. Not Reoffering.
Adult Athlete Reps vacant
The TurnAround vacant. Standing Andrew Dacanay
Website Kevin Doran. Reoffering.
Points Series Shane MacLeod. Reoffering.
Adult Team Manager Mike Todd. Not Reoffering.
Members at Large Paul Shaw, Pat MacDonald, (both reoffering). Linda MacLeod (not reoffering).
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading and take care on the ice and in the wind-chill.
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