Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome to the new look TurnAround

I'm back!!!

To be honest, hacking through your door with an axe is soooo 1980. I mean who uses an axe any more? Does anyone under 18 even know what an axe is? Instead, we'll hack into your inbox. Either way the result will be the same, The TA will still get into your consciousness without all that inconvienient crawling through windows and freezing to death in mazes.

I hope you will welcome the TA back into your lives after ignoring you for most of the 2009 season. Nothing I can say in extenuation and mitigation will be enough, so please just accept my heartfelt apologies.

We'll try a new direction this year though. Instead of a newsletter in a print-off-and-read-in-the-bathroom format, we're going to try an electronic approach, using Twitter, Facebook and blogging. The content should remain the same though, the same mix of fact, meandering ramblings and the almost fiction that are some of my race-reports!

A change in medium asides, I hope that this will make The TurnAround more consistent with your lifestyle (if not your bathroom reading habits) and continue to make you feel part of a provincial-wide triathlon community. I hope too that you will start to become more involved in the TA through the ability to directly comment on posts, both here, on FB. and Twitter. Write what you will for now.

Some of the usual caveats still apply. We are always looking for material and the off-season is always the hardest season for us to fill. Unless you want to read ad nauseaum about socks, then let us know what you're up to and we'll post it. Also, the look-and-feel (and functionality) of the sites will evolve with time as we learn what it is you want from us.

In the meantime, enjoy your month off and remember that if you are still swimming outdoors, wet-suits are definately in!



  1. Great idea El Presidente. Fwiw, there are/will be 4 weeks of Christmas Wish List for multisport athletes on LMS (http://livemultisport.com/tag/christmas-wish-list/) ... link or republish. Or not.

  2. I'll republish if that's OK? Sounds like a hoot! Thanks

  3. Looking forward to the 2010 Tri-Season. Keep Sep 19 open. Plans are in the works for the 1st ever 5K, 10K, half and full marathon on the Salt Marsh Trails. Atlantic Chip timing and a wonderful reception is being planned
